Thursday, June 24, 2010

Waiting it Out in Elkhart, IN

We are still on the ground in Elkhart. The ceiling this morning was very low with scud and rain. It was MVFR at best. Here is the current METAR:

KEKM 241355Z 30007KT 10SM BKN013 BKN023 OVC029 20/17 A3003 RMK AO2

It's still not very good. Yeah, you can probably get out (and many aircraft have already departed), but there are forecasted thunderstorms for both Parkersburg and Frederick. Frederick is supposed to have severe thunderstorms. They are all popping off of the cold front that we beat in last night. I don't particularly see a good reason why we should be chasing the cold front if we are a day ahead, so we are going to wait it out here for today. If it improves drastically, then we'll go.

Tomorrow's forecast is showing a high pressure area and sunny skies all the way out to Frederick. We may get into some haze, especially as we get into Parkersburg, but at least we won't have to worry about thunderstorms or low ceilings. I don't want to get squeezed into a mountain.

My big plan for today is to go back to bed, jump in the pool, grab a shower, and go to a barbecue that the local EAA chapter is putting on at the airport. I'll do our flight planning in there somewhere when I can think straight again. I can't speak for Jann, but I am still worn out from yesterday. Jann says that when you are still tired enough in the morning that even dressing is difficult, then you are certainly not safe to fly so a day to relax and catch up on sleep is definitely in order. My vote is also for tomorrow's blue skies (forecasted).

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you are having fun dealing with crazy racers! I just showed Mom how to comment, so you might be seeing stuff from her here soon...that is, if she can remember. *Que old western music
    Dad's TV box was on the fritz and he had no TV for two nights. The new box just came in today, so no more planting roses at 9pm! Whoo!!
    In other news, baby bird almost has all of his feathers, and is still waking me up at 7:30am every morning. Lastly, your dog is now obsessed with catching a squirrel...even if the squirrel may be a deer..
